This is the HS-225BB Ball Bearing, Hi-Speed, Hi-Torque Servo from Hitec. The HS-225BB is ideal for applications that call for a small lightweight, high speed, high torque servo. Using state-of-the-art SMT technology, and a custom designed IC the HS-225 series of servos represent a true value with the performance that rivals the others larger more expensive servo.
<specifications:<></specifications:<><specifications:<>Transit time: 0.14 sec/ 60 deg. @ 4.8V (0.11 sec/deg @ 6V)
Torque: 54.15 oz/in @ 4.8V (66.65 oz/in @ 6V)
Weight: 27g (.95 oz)
Length: 32.4mm (1.27″)
Width: 16.8mm (0.66″)
Height: 31mm (1.22″)</specifications:<>