Garden State Shoot-Out State Race
RC Car World will be hosting The Garden State Shoot-Out, trophy race. This will be a trophy race. Trophies will be presented to the top three positions in both the A and B and C mains. (6 in a class make a trophy class). Trophies will be Oct. 31st based upon roll call. 6 entries make a trophies class for each additional 6 entries another main of trophies will be ordered. ex: 6 entries=A, 12 entries=a and b main, 18 entries = a, b, and c main, etc.
RC Car World
4340 U.S. 130 Willingboro, NJ 08046
Saturday November 5th, 2015
Sign up here https://goo.gl/t9lxnk or let us know what class you will attend here https://goo.gl/cc70R4.
1st round: 11am
Classes (4 Or More makes a class)
17.5 Blinky TC
21.5 Blinky TC
TCS Mini
13.5 1/12 scale
Trophy Race Classes: $30 1st class, $20 2nd class, $15 3rd class [17.5 TC, 13.5 1/12th scale, USGT, WGT mini F1]
All ROAR rules apply for TC and 1/12 scale classes
Qualifying: 3 rounds of IFMAR qualifying (rocket round/fastest single run)
Single Mains
1s voltage – 4.20v
2s voltage – 8.40v
TC weight – 1350g
USGT – 1380g
TC classes must run spec tire – $28/set – available at the hobby shop.
USGT must run Gravity tires $27/set –
Qualifying: 3 rounds of qualifying + Single Mains,
21.5 brushless Motor
Mini TCS rules apply
F1 25.5 and crc tires
*** Motors will be teched***